Thursday, September 22, 2011


Its Day 4 of becoming a wife. Oh sudah isterikah aku? I know i owe 100s of updates on preparations and the wedding itself. Life has been super duper busy and i hate it when i have to fight with time to give live updates.. hope its not basi yet.. inai still merah di jari.. I will slowly make an effort to list down each and every details of it.. the wedding story takes a lot to write..

Its 3 days before my kenduri bertandang. I finally manage to breathe, sit back and stretch my legs and let his side bertungkus lumus pulak. And now I'm husbandless as he is in Ipoh to help his family's preparation. Mr hubby... i miss you dearly.. the bed seems empty withou you by my side... emo la pulak....

1 comment:

  1. congrats dear...yes..share your experience pls..and lovely piccas :) i wanna seeeee..
